Dear Wing Friends,

As Sky Aviation, we continue to work with our high standards to strengthen our wingmates in the Assessment and Type Rated Process and bring them one step closer to their dreams. We would like to tell you about an exciting development: We now serve as the only authorized exam center of the Mollymawk Exam System in Istanbul!

If you want to make a career in the aviation world or improve your existing knowledge, you are at the right place. As Sky Aviation, we take you further with the real flight experience accompanied by our Captains with the A320 and B737 type simulators we offer. Now, we are collaborating with the Mollymawk Exam System to further strengthen this experience.

What is Mollymawk Exam System?

Mollymawk is a leading exam system provider in the aviation industry. With its extensive question pools, interactive tests and detailed evaluation systems, Mollymawk offers the highest level of exam experience to aviation professionals and those who want to receive training.

What Changes with the Collaboration of Sky Aviation and Mollymawk?

You can now take exams approved by the Mollymawk Exam System within Sky Aviation and measure your knowledge and skills. Thanks to this collaboration, you have the opportunity to strengthen your place in the aviation industry and move your career forward.

Why Sky Aviation?

As Sky Aviation, our aim is to provide the best training and experience to our wingmates. Our A320 and B737 type simulators are equipped with the latest technology in the industry and allow you to experience the real flight experience in full detail with accurate information.

Our collaboration with Mollymawk Exam System takes the quality of the service we offer to the next level. Our exams contain the most up-to-date information and standards in the industry and provide participants with a competitive advantage at an international level.

How Can You Participate?

To participate in the Mollymawk Exams within SkyAviation and get a detailed evaluation in our exam center, you can visit our company, get detailed information from our phone number +90 530 261 72 73 or request detailed information from the e-mail address Do not hesitate to call or email us for exam dates, application conditions and other details. We are waiting for you to take your aviation career one step further!

As Sky Aviation, we are proud to support the aviation professionals of the future. We look forward to seeing you among us!